, which searches many book databases, has added an e-book site. It may not be quite as mobile-friendly as the just-reviewed Neotake e-book searcher, but it does include modern copyrighted books for sale, including, yes, Dan Brown’s titles in E.

And Gutenberg-style sites, are there, too. Results bring up a mix

The home page is nice and clean and should display well on a variety of mobile devices even though the others may be iffier—ironically, because the AddAll e-book version is so good at pulling up many listings. That might overwhelm some mobile gizmos.

You can “meta search 30+ e-book sites with one click.” Also, you can add a search plug-in to your recent IE or Firefox.

Why not check out both Neotake and  AddAll’s e-book site (in beta) and share your impressions here? Meanwhile big thanks to Raymond for the pointer.

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