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A book worth reading, especially at the price of $0.99 (or free to borrow for prime members).  I even have a paper copy in my library. 

From the Amazon description:

How does the theoretical world of quantum physics create our everyday life? “Quantations” explains this with wit and clarity, making the imaginary real. Consider the opening sentence: “Only the incomprehensible is worth understanding.” The rest of this collection of brief, powerful thoughts and remarks by some of the world’s greatest thinkers, past and present, makes that understanding possible — without math, equations or formulas, just the power of plain language. While standing in a checkout line, you may read a line or two that transforms your world. This is a deceptively easy read that will carry you as far as you let it. Time travel without a machine, the deep space of consciousness on your screen, how the world transforms from “it to bit.”


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