How to exercise your body and, via an electronic book, your mind at the same time?

I’ve already told how to read an e-book in the bathtub, perhaps in defiance of Arthur C. Clarke’s predictions. But how about treading while reading an e-book? Sure.

Mobipocket and Palm Reader and others offer auto-scrolling, which I suppose is a form of treading for the eyes, except that e-books are more fun.

Blow up the characters enough, and get the right stand to attach your PDA to your treadmill, and then you can do a book-treadmill act. Better to use the stand for safety reasons, of course.

No, I haven’t tried this yet, but I suspect someone is already doing it. In fact, check this out.

Anyone out there with advice on stands?

Yo, publishers! Who says exercise videos are only way to receive health information while exercising? Maybe this is something Oprah can get into.

Update, 7:10 a.m. EST, Jan. 12: Yes, a reader has already written in to tell of his excellent adventures with his REB1200 and treadmill. Other comments welcomed.


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