David Sarno reports in the LA Times Tech Blog that the Department of Justice has filed a brief objecting to the revised Google Books settlement and suggesting that settlement talks should continue. Google originally asked for more time to create this second revision in the first place to address some of the concerns Justice had with the original version.

Sarno writes:

The Justice Department cited issues with copyright and judicial process in its reservations about the settlement. Though it complimented the parties on the progress of the latest draft of the settlement, the brief said that the agreement was still "an attempt to use the class action mechanism to implement forward-looking business arrangements that go far beyond the dispute before the Court."

The next hearing on the settlement will take place on February 18th.


  1. My name kareem from Tunisia(Carthage before),bachelor in economics Google Book one of the best end beneficient site on the net ever seen,in fact Google books helps me saving time and money but also access for information rich and full of different opinions and can make reaserachs in short time which give me opportunity to make comparaison and appreciate the most convinced ones,
    In my point view i see google books will contribute to the progress of human knowledge by permitting access to different knowledge containing,result will be next generations of students and of multidsciplinary researchers who will find solutions for the problems in this world.
    Google is in the right path more perseverance and goog luck in this legal battle within other battles

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