picasso-273x300.jpgFrom Open Culture:

In the summer of 1955, Frederick Baldwin, a college student at Columbia University, set out on a pilgrimage of sorts, hoping to meet Pablo Picasso. Baldwin traveled first to Le Havre (presumably by boat), then headed south, down to Vallauris and Cannes, until he eventually reached Picasso’s home on the Riviera, known as Villa la Californie. It took a little craftiness and moxie, but the young American gained entrance into Picasso’s studio. And there he was, the great painter himself, wearing shorts, sandals and not much else.

More than five decades later, Baldwin has produced an elegant e-book (available for free right here) that uses photographs and text to preserve the memory of this defining moment.

More info in the article. Thanks to BookofJoe for the link.


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