Late-night comedians, by their nature, have to cater to a fairly broad audience. After all, they can’t keep their ratings up if most of the people watching them don’t get what they’re joking about. Which is why you could say that if one of the more popular late-night comedians works a skit about an e-reader into his show, it’s a pretty good sign that e-reader is on plenty of people’s minds.

Conan O’Brien has a hilarious 2-minute skit (embedded below) centering around reported problems with the Kindle Fire, and “Jeff Bezos”’s proposed solutions. (Sadly, it is cursed with an obnoxious 30-second ad at the start of the video, but it’s worth the ad.) Fortunately, the Kindle Fire apparently isn’t quite as bad as they suggest here—but, of course, they have to play it for laughs don’t they?

(Found via CNet.)


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