image Remember the Flepia series, the color E Ink gizmos that Fujitsu ballyhooed? They’re still hyper-expensive, now around £1,000 for a pair of samples, but the company is currently aiming for a mere £200 per unit. Fast page refresh would also be great. Some months ago, at least, page-changing needed ten seconds. According to 2007 specs, screen sizes are eight and twelve inches.

Come on, vendors: Is that all there is?

The Flepdia, although hardly ready for your local Circuit City, is among the draws at Display Expo 2008 in Japan, where Mark Lytle of spotted some other e-paper technologies. If you read between the lines of Techradar, however, maybe the real news for e-bookers is that there wasn’t something more exciting to chew over—well, beyond the Epson/E Ink display controllers, which ideally will make E Ink refresh rates fast enough for Web browsing and text entry, even if I suspect the speed still is a long way from LCD territory. Yawn, anything else on the way this week?

3D color displays

Outside the realm of e-books, Expo-goers could could ogle 3D color displays that worked without eyeglasses. So someday we can see huge three-dimensional ads for Tom Clancy’s p-books in Times Square?


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