google_tablet_mockup2 Our sister blog Gadgetell is also covering the HTC Chrome Tablet story that we mentioned yesterday, pointing out that the tablet is supposedly going to go on sale on Black Friday.

However, eWeek has an opposing view. Writer Clint Boulton feels that, given that Chrome OS was supposed to launch on netbooks first and there is no sign of them, it seems unlikely Chrome OS will show up on a tablet by the end of November.

Of course, we probably won’t know who’s right until a lot closer to Thanksgiving.


  1. I was wondering about that too since I figured Chrome OS would be getting smacked onto laptops and other devices first and we would be hearing a ton about it being better than Windows etc etc etc.

    Even Apple’s well known iOS is based on their with Mac OSX.

    Would a full on Google OS even if it were just based on Android not go on an actual computer first?

  2. Correct me if I am wrong but Chrome is not purporting to be a full OS like Windows or MacOS. Also I am guessing that for much of the development life of Chrome Google had no idea about the impact the iPad was going to make. Now they will be seeing that a cut down OS like iOS4 is succeeding on these new devices in a way that a full OS is not due to it’s beautiful simplicity.

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