Screen shot 2011 05 26 at 5 01 18 PM

From Campus Technology:

The publishing arm of the University of Cambridge will be working with an education software producer to convert three of its medical textbooks into iOS apps for use on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. GetYa Learn On(GYLO) is tackling the conversion for Cambridge University Press. The project will first cover three of Cambridge’s key texts on radiology, neuropharmacology, and anesthesia.

Expected for release in the iTunes Store in June 2011, the first app will be a portable version of the radiology text Final FRCR Long Cases, which users will be able to personalize by adding notes, highlights, and bookmarks. The text will include a search tool and hyperlinks through the table of contents and index. The user can use standard gestures to turn pages and customize the interface.

Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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