
From CUP:

Cambridge University Press’s new integrated eBook and digital content offering, University Publishing Online, launched yesterday.

University Publishing Online, at, provides aggregated content from the Mathematical Association of America (based in Washington D.C.), Liverpool University Press, Foundation Books (based in India), and Cambridge University Press. Access to content from Edinburgh University Press and Nottingham University Press will be available from early 2012.


Users have immediate access to over 13,000 front and backlist titles, accessible through quick, powerful search and browse functionality.


Users are able to search across all University Publishing Online content or limit their search to selected publishers. The search facility also encompasses Cambridge Journals Online (Cambridge’s extensive journals platform), providing users with access to hundreds of the latest academic, research-rich publications. Institutions are able to make collection or title-by-title purchases from a single publisher or mix-and-match across all of the publishers on the platform.

Read the Complete Announcement

Direct to University Publishing Online

Via INFOdocket


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