calvin and hobbes
I’ve always been a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes. We had two of the collected works anthologies, which unfortunately, gathered dust on our shelves. When we cleaned out our shelves a few months ago, they were among the books we sold.

So I was delighted to see the announcement on Digital Book World that ebook editions of The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, and The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, will be available November 12, 2013.

The ebook editions will be $12.99 each, which I think is quite reasonable. For you eInk lovers, I’m afraid they will only be tablet editions at first. Hopefully, they will release eInk versions in the future.

Universal Uclick will be the distributor, so presumably we will find the editions on their site or through their iOS or Android apps.

Just a note. I had to do some searching to find their app. If there’s a link on either the Universal Uclick or GoComics sites, I couldn’t find it. They were easy enough to search for in the respective app stores, but you wouldn’t have known by looking at their sites that there was a mobile app to search for. Sloppy web design.


  1. I was excited about the news until I saw that they will be app based. The only app I use for reading ,and only when in a pinch and on the go, is the Kindle one – 95% of my apps never get used, and getting yet another one for content consumption is out of the question.

    They lose my business until they open up to mobi/azw/kf8 and ePub.

    Why anyone thinks their app is the next best thing since sliced bread is beyond me. It’s not 2011 any more.

  2. I don’t expect an eInk adapted release, but I suppose they’ll sell their comics through the usual comics apps: Comixology, Kindle for tablets, Kobo for tablets, B&N for tablets… I’ve looked up the Universal Uclick web page, and they’re selling Big Nate and Dilbert comics too. Those can be found on Comixology, so I expect they’ll sell the Calvin and Hobbes comics too

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