calibre.pngNew Features

* Add an output profile for the iPad
* An option for ejecting the connected device from the system tray icon
* Support for the Samsung SNE 60K and Acer Liquid A1
* Programmatic auto-numbering of books in a series

Bug Fixes

* Unmount Bebook Mini on OS X instead of eject
* Perfomance tweaks to improve startup time with large libraries
* Fix changing port of content server only takes effect after a restart of calibre
* News download: Retry article download if temporary failure in DNS. Makes downloading more robust.
* Handle DRMed EPUB files correctly when getting cover.
* CHM Metadata: Fix bug in cover detection
* Detect zip/rar files that are actually comics even if they contain a mix of PNG/JPG files
* Fix sending multiple files by email causes them to be mixed up. Also show error message when sending by email fails.
* EPUB Output: When rescaling images from a comic use the same screen size as used by the input plugin
* EPUB Output: Fix memory leak when converting documents with large collections of images
* Fix regression in 0.6.47 that would cause the main window to expand unctrollably horizontally when using long serach terms
* Fix periodicals generated by calibre not using kindle back issue archiving


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