Books about Town, a new project backed by UK charity the National Literary Trust seeks to give London’s literary heritage a more direct expression at street level with a series of bench designs making reference to celebrated books, especially those about the city. The National Literacy Trust has teamed up with Wild in Art, “the UK’s leading arts and education company, which brings “the creativity and enjoyment of public art to thousands of people through our high profile and popular events,”

“In summer 2014, a huge range of books will come to life across London, celebrating the city’s links with literature, showcasing accessible visual art from top personalities and local artists ,” says the project website. “Trails of individually designed and beautifully illustrated BookBench sculptures representing all genres of literature will be showcased around London offering endless hours of enjoyment for people.”

Artists are invited to submit proposals for BookBench designs and related projects. Sponsorship is also encouraged as part of this local outreach. “The charity is inviting local and national businesses to be a part of this exciting new venture and sponsor a BookBench. Businesses can either choose a title from a Books about Town list of books linked to London from J.M Barrie’s Peter Pan to Mary Shelley’sFrankenstein, or select their own title to be brought to life on a BookBench.”

Money raised will go back into the Trust. “The proceeds from the auction of these fantastic pieces of art will go towards keeping the organisation running, allowing us to continue to make a difference to thousands of lives,” its materials declare.”Poor literacy ruins lives, and our transformational work provides young people with the vital skills they need to enjoy making a full contribution to the economic and cultural life of our nation.”


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