Bisg report cover final medium

From the press release:

Although much of the publishing industry is working hard to develop and implement digital strategies, there is little available research evaluating book consumers’ actual interests in and preferences for digital content, or the factors that influence their reading habits and purchasing decisions.

To fill this void, BISG’s Consumer Attitudes Toward E-Book Reading provides comprehensive ongoing survey data from hundreds of actual e-book readers.

Over the course of three annual cycles (Volume One: 2009-2010, Volume Two: 2010-2011 and Volume Three: 2011-2012), survey participants are being asked questions including:

  • When did you first begin acquiring e-books?
  • Where do you typically acquire e-books?
  • Which genre(s) are you more likely to read as an e-book rather than a print book?
  • What device do you now use most frequently to read e-books?
  • How likely are you to buy a dedicated e-reader such as Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble nook, or Sony Reader for yourself or to give as a gift (in the next 2 months)?
  • And much more!…


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