
Dominique Raccah is President & CEO of Sourcebooks, Inc.

Are an industry in transformation.  The transformation of the book is taking place right now – the most important transformation in our lifetimes.  Never has there been a bigger need for information and understanding best practices than now.  BISG is working to create the future of the book right now.

BISG is the only organization that represents the entire spectrum of the industry.


expanded the vision and growth of the BISG, expanded board of directors in terms of industry groups represented.  Siginificant growth in membership.  Unified the committee structure so that it makes sensor now. New BISG publications.  New developments in communication and reporting, especially in the rights area.  New research on policy.  Finally standardized and agreed on statistics for the industry.  Almost 2,000 publishers participated in the statistics effort.

Future: expect to see another year of significant changes.  Upcoming projects: new policy papers and standardized data; developing innovative pilot projects in rights and EPUB 3.


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