
Madeline McIntosh is President of Sales, Operations & Digital, Random House

World Book Night – doesn’t exist yet, but it will.  Will be April 23, 2012,  World Book Day this already exists, especially overseas.  In UK it was transformed to World Book Night, where gave away 1 million books in one night.  Want to turn this into a regular event.  Was a successful giveaway but also created a measurable increase in sales.

On April 23 the US will also celebrate World Book Night.  25 books by living authors will be selected, primarily adult titles, will print 1 million copies at publishers’ expense and authors will forego royalties on them.  Then get 40,000 givers who will pick up the books and give them out.  Goal is to celebrate the love readers have for books.  Want to make this a national event covering the entire country.

So far the big 6 have donated and so has Barnes & Noble.  Ingram has agreed to help with distribution.  Trying to get the printing services donated.


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