PocketNow has examined patent filings by Barnes & Noble and has some guesses about what they might predict for the future of B&N’s Nook product line.

The patent filings suggest future devices to be called “Nook Kids” (previously just the name of B&N’s children’s e-book store) and “Nook2” or “Nook 2”. They also note that B&N has changed from just describing goods in some of its patents (the devices themselves) to also describing services along with them (as in the case of “Nook Study”, “Nook Smart”, and “Nook Cook”).

And B&N may also be readying an in-store/on-line customer service program called “Nooksellers”, which would provide customer service through in-store kiosks, telephone, e-mail, and a website (potentially with a Netflix-style recommendation engine).

(Found via Engadget.)


  1. “in-store/on-line customer service program called “Nooksellers”, which would provide customer service through in-store kiosks, telephone, e-mail, and a website ”

    B&N and libraries as well can maximize “in-store” relations with customers. Selective connectivity is a strategy, especially when associated with a fun environment.

    Remember that book reading is inherently an austere, non-social activity that can be augmented in interesting ways.

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