barmaxBack in June I covered BarMax, the bar exam test preparation software for iPhone that is the most expensive title in the app store at $999.99. But this is no “I Am Rich”. In fact, it costs significantly less than other bar exam test prep software on the market. What’s more, it actually works: those who’ve used the software have been passing bar exams at well above average rates.

And now, TechCrunch reports, BarMax is coming to the iPad, in a new version rebuilt from the ground up to look good on the bigger screen. It includes a number of e-book-related enhancements such as the ability to highlight text and make notes and bookmarks. From the screenshots, it looks like a great deal, and law students can buy it and an iPad together for half or less of the cost of its $3,000-$4,000 competitors.

Currently the California version is the only one available, but presumably other states will follow. The company has already earned $200,000 in sales from California and New York versions of the iPhone software. (Which, of course, just means a bit over two hundred people bought it, but still it’s an impressive monetary figure.)

Who would have thought there could be a legitimate reason to charge $1,000 for an iPad app?


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