Screen shot 2010-07-14 at 11.41.21 AM.pngThe Audible iPhone app is now available and it’s free.

It’s a native iOS 4 app so it can multitask. It includes WiFi delivery of audiobooks, listening stats and other features.

You can find it at the App Store.


  1. I’ve been using this app for about 24 hours. It is definitely typical “version 1.0” quality. There are numerous minor UI glitches (especially while downloading content). Also, the previous-chapter function needs to be adjusted; you have to achieve a very quick double-tap to back up to the previous chapter instead of just restarting the current one.

    One serious flaw is that content is divided into two categories: 1st-class content from your “Audible” library, and 2nd-class content from your “ipod” library. The UI favors the Audible library, but the only way to download content from your Audible library is over the air; there should be some way to download content via iTunes without having it relegated to 2nd-class status.

    When downloading content, some titles said that they could not yet be downloaded via wireless and had to be transferred via iTunes (relegating them to 2nd-class treatment). However, I found if I used the download swipe gesture instead of pressing the download button, this supposedly non-downloadable content was readily downloadable via wireless.

    I haven’t yet seen any serious, in-depth reviews of the new Audible app. I look forward to such reviews and hope they gain the attention of the Audible developers so that these small problems can be corrected.

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