9406638-largeIf you’re in the UK, you have a brief chance to save twenty quid on Amazon Prime in advance of Black Friday. Amazon has put the program on sale for £59, marked down from its usual £79, until Wednesday, November 18th.

The Amazon press release isn’t clear on whether this applies to new members only or existing members can take advantage—but given how their recent promos in the US have behaved, and given the way the press release talks about “joining” or “signing up,” I wouldn’t be surprised if this deal were only for people who aren’t currently Prime members yet. Still, if you’re not a Prime member but would like to be, this is a great chance to add a little bit of extra convenience to those Black Friday deals that are sure to come about.

There’s no sign of an equivalent discount for US folks, though I wouldn’t be too surprised if that popped up as well, one of these days. Keep an eye out.

(Found via Engadget.)


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