amazon primeWe were pretty sure it was coming, based on hints in the earnings call, but now it’s official. Amazon has announced that Prime is going up by $20, making the subscription $99 in the U.S.

Amazon Student is going up less: $10, making it $49 per year.

When I saw all the news flying around about an increase, I did think about what we’d do if the price went up, and I’d decided it was still worth it at $99, but I’d have to seriously consider cancelling if it went up to $119. I use Prime shipping frequently, and I use Amazon Prime Streaming often enough that I’d miss it if it were gone. Having just purchased a Kindle Paperwhite, I’ll be using the Prime Lending Library again. One of the books I plan to read in the next month or so is listed $9.99, so that alone makes up for half the increase.

I also recognize that costs do go up, and I’d figured the $79 price wasn’t going to last forever. Nine years was a good run for that price.

What about you? Is $20 too much for you to keep it? If you’d been thinking about subscribing, is it now too expensive for you?


  1. I’m keeping mine. It’s only $99 per year and won’t bust the budget. I can spend that much going out to dinner with friends.

    I don’t borrow a lot of Kindle titles or watch a lot of Prime movies, but I still think it’s good deal. In the old days I’d usually have to add a second item I only kinda sorta wanted to achieve free shipping. That added more in the long run than the shipping costs.

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