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Here’s the part of the press release: today launched the Kindle Store (, the biggest e-bookstore in Germany, with the largest selection of ebooks including more than 650,000 titles, 71 of 100 Spiegel bestsellers, and over 25,000 German-language titles with thousands of German classics downloadable for free only on Kindle. …

The German Kindle Store’s vast selection includes titles from German-language authors including Arno Geiger, Kerstin Gier and Charlotte Link, plus 71 of 100 Spiegel bestsellers and thousands of German classics downloadable for free only on Kindle. Additionally, the Kindle Store features thousands of independently-published German-language titles through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing service. Top German and international newspapers and magazines are also available for single purchase or subscription including Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt and Die Zeit. New subscriptions are auto-delivered wirelessly to Kindle and start with a free 14-day trial. …


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