image Earlier I complained of the botch that Amazon had made of the listings for The Solomon Scandals—news of interest to others with small press books in E or P. Just how helpful is it when the most conspicuous listing in the Amazon catalog says your novel isn’t available in the United States?

Well, I’m delighted to report that Amazon not only has zapped the DRMed version of Scandals at my request, but also has deleted the listing for this phantom edition. Big thanks to Sarah B and her team. She reports that the delay in the removal of the obsolete listing “was due to a search system transition, and we’ve taken measures to ensure that publishers and authors will not be so adversely affected in the future.” Great! I knew the glitch could affect others and am glad I spoke up. The nonDRMed Kindle edition from Twilight Times Books remains listed, along with the trade paperback

Tip: Do become a member of Author Central and try the contact form there. My current impression—tell me if I’m wrong—is that Amazon does seem to be working harder on author relations than in the past.


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