We love year-ends lists and rankings around here and its time to get started for 2010.

images.jpegA few minutes ago Amazon posted several lists:

1) Top 100 Books Selected By Editors at Amazon

2) Top 100 Books Selected By Customers

If you want sample these two lists and review titles in close to 24 categories use this page. It provides direct links to all of the lists.

And Don’t Forget the Kindle:

3) Best Kindle E-Books of 2010

You’ll find the links to all of the lists and additional material on this webpage

Category Lists Include Selections from Both Editors and Customers (They’re All Listed and Linked in the First Column):

+ Audiobooks
+ Children’s Books: Middle Readers
+ Children’s Books: Picture Books
+ Comics & Graphic Novels
+ Debut Fiction
+ Nonfiction
+ Science Fiction & Fantasy

In the third column note the links to author interviews and lists from previous years.

Getting these lists online extra early makes for another fun? way to browse and purchase books for friends, family, colleagues, etc. Another real-world example of smart marketing.

Source: Amazon.com

Via Resource Shelf


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