promo.pngFrom the Aldiko blog:

We have been working on Aldiko 2.0 behind the scene for awhile already, a lot of you have been asking us what Aldiko 2.0 will bring. So, what’s new? Let us share some of the highlights: in Aldiko 2.0, you will be able to

Read Adobe-DRMed ePub and PDF files as well as non-encrypted ePub and PDF files, that means you can use Aldiko 2.0 to read ebooks from most of the bookstores worldwide;

Discover, browse and download ebooks from thousands of contemporary titles (including best-sellers, new releases etc. ) as well as a large selection of high-quality free titles in the Aldiko Online Catalog;

Add ebooks from your local public library;

Import your own ebooks and documents in Adobe-DRMed ePub and PDF formats, as well as non-encrypted ePub and PDF formats;

Add your own catalogs so that you can have all your ebook catalogs in one place.

And, we will bring you a brand new user experience. Why wait? Join our notification list today and be the first to know when Aldiko 2.0 is available! And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@Aldiko) and become a fan of us on Facebook ( to keep up with the latest news of Aldiko!

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