image Accurate or not—we don’t know—those stats show up in a TechCrunch post. Excerpt: “Between online and brick and mortar demand, the company is expecting to sell half a million Nooks in the first three months of 2010, way beyond their initial projections.

“The biggest problem with the device was on the software side, which is slow and glitchy. Once that’s worked out the device will be a serious threat to the Kindle. And the fact that people can buy it in the offline world is a competitive advantage, too.”

So what do you think, gang? If you live in the States, will this brick-and-mortar stuff make a difference to you? I’d also welcome your further thoughts on the usefulness of the Nook vs. the Kindle, assuming B&N can tame the software.

And on the “Nook in time for Christmas” front…

Engadget quotes B&N: “"We’re happy to report that all customers who pre-ordered nooks and were given a pre-holiday estimated shipping date will be sent their nooks in time to receive them by Christmas. As you know, there’s been an overwhelmingly positive response and unprecedented demand since Barnes & Noble announced its new eBook reader on October 20th. Customer demand continues to be strong and new orders will be fulfilled beginning February 1, 2010. "


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